Hello to H.A.L.A.G, the Heygate & Aylesbury Leaseholders Action Group

A new Heygate & Aylesbury Leaseholders Action Group(H.A.L.A.G) has been formed via the sterling and dedicated work of some of the remaining leaseholders awaiting their future on Heygate. They say ‘We are a group of leaseholders who have got together as a result of Southwark Council’s plans to compulsory purchase our homes in order to make way for the coming regeneration scheme. We believe that leaseholders on the Heygate and Aylesbury estates are being excluded from the benefits of the Regeneration scheme. We believe that the council’s valuations do not reflect the true market value of our homes. There is a significant difference between the council’s valuations and the price of other properties in the area. This is resulting in many of us being forced to move out of the area completely.’

You can read more about their campaign on their website here.

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